To Trust is a Choice.

Trust by definition is a “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.”

You can imagine that opening a practice during a pandemic is risky, some might even say idiotic. Truth be told, we had moments where we questioned if now was the right time. We had moments where we wondered if we were doing the right things, but at the end of the day, everything led us back to TRUST.

Trust in each other, trust in our vision, trust in our abilities, and trust in the loving support from our family and friends.

Which brings us to the 5th of the SHIFT values- T for TRUST.

Trust is an incredible component of our culture here at SHIFT. Many have said that trust is earned. We truly believe that trust is something that YOU have control over and therefore trust is given. It might also be earned in a secondary way, but to trust is a CHOICE.

Think about what that means for a second. Trust is something given. It’s a choice you make. This means that you have the power. You get to decide whether or not you want to give your trust… to others, to a situation, and most importantly to yourself.

It’s hard to reach your goals if you have not first given trust to yourself. I don’t know if many people realize how profound that component is. Think about something you really want in life. Maybe it’s to lose weight, maybe become a millionaire, maybe open your own business… if you don’t trust in yourself, the process, and the people around you, what do you think the outcome will be?

To trust yourself is not something tangible. It’s a feeling or belief but it’s also something that needs to be practiced. So how do we start to give ourselves trust?

SELF LOVE- each time we affirm ourselves we start creating foundational building blocks towards trusting our self.

HARD WORK - you are capable of doing hard things and the things you want most in your life are going to take hard work. Each time you show up for yourself, stay consistent and put in the work towards the person you want to be, you are beginning to give trust to yourself.

INSPIRATION - Each time you do something that lifts another person up, or you focus on something positive, or you create hope…YOU are demonstrating trust in the person you want to be.

FAMILY - whether by blood or by bond, each time you surround yourself with the people that love, support, and encourage you, they are giving you their trust and by doing so, you are able to believe in yourself more and more and that belief my friends is….


So, I am going to ask again. How do we begin to TRUST? We MAKE THE SHIFT!

Written by: Jackie Giese


See a Pelvic Floor Specialist


F is for Family