Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

Fitness Coaching

Gain Confidence. Take Control.

Get started on the right path with individualized fitness coaching designed specifically for you by our movement experts! Make the most of your time with a structured program to help you reach your goals. We will work with you to design a program that fits your lifestyle and exercise preferences. Learn how to stay disciplined and accountable so that you have lasting results.


Specific to YOU!

Your fitness coaching sessions are designed to help you reach your goals and teach you how to build fitness in to your lifestyle. Workouts are not a one size fits all. We will work with you to develop a program that is fun, and fits well in to your life.


Safe and Effective.

Each program is designed by our movement experts. Whether you are just starting your fitness journey or workout on a regular basis, we have the knowledge and expertise to keep you safe during your workouts. No more questioning whether or not a move it right for you. We take the guess work out of it!


Unlimited Support.

Your fitness coaching sessions come with unlimited support. Stay accountable and motivated with consistent support. Having unlimited support will help to hold you accountable as well as prevent a plateau in your fitness journey. Stay focused and committed throughout your program.

Initial Consultation for Fitness Coaching: $100

For the initial consultation, we will focus on learning about your fitness goals. We will conduct a health screening, gain an understanding of your fitness likes/dislikes, complete a body composition assessment, and take body measurements. At Shift we are passionate about helping you gain confidence and take control of your health. You will be able to determine if we are the right fit to guide you in this journey by completing a consultation before ever committing to a package.