See a Pelvic Floor Specialist

Having a Physical Therapy team as part of your wellness journey is highly valuable. Whether you have an injury, medical condition, or are just looking to become healthier, it’s no doubt that physical therapists are the ones to have in your corner.

With that said, it’s really important that you do research to make sure you have the RIGHT team to help you reach your goals. Especially when it comes to areas of specialization.

When it comes to conditions related to women’s health and pelvic floor symptoms, not all therapists are the same. We say that with complete compassion and respect for our fellow colleagues but you must also know that not all Physical Therapists have the training, knowledge, and tools to treat pelvic floor conditions (stress incontinence, urge incontinence, diastasic recti, csection/abdominal scarring, pelvic pain, etc).

Women’s Health and Pelvic Floor Therapy is a specialized area meaning that there is additional education needed outside of school to more effectively help individuals with these conditions. Not only is education a very important component to choosing the right therapist but there is also a passion that comes with working in this area of physical therapy.

If you have tried physical therapy in the past for issues related to the pelvic floor and felt like it “didn’t work.” We encourage you to keep an open mind and consider a therapist (like the ones at Shift Physical Therapy and Wellness) who are specialized in pelvic floor rehabilitation.

At Shift Physical Therapy and Wellness we have taken additional courses to better serve you, but it isn’t just about the education. We have a strong passion for helping women reach their goals in all areas of wellness and pride ourselves on creating a safe, comfortable environment for you.

I know this might seem like a sales pitch to get you to come see us (which we absolutely would love to see you) however the real intention is to provide you with education so that you understand the differences in the profession and can make an educated decision. This will ensure that you have the best team on your side to give you the results you are looking for.

Written by: Jackie Giese


Menopause (GASP!!)


To Trust is a Choice.