A few weeks ago, I shared my journey towards Self Love. If you recall. The “S” in Shift stands for Self Love. The first of the 5 Shift values. Now don’t be fooled in to thinking that the journey towards Self Love is over for me. Don’t be fooled in to thinking that I reached my destination and now everything is unicorns and rainbows…. It’s not. I have to put in the work EVERY. DAY. There are “good days”, “bad days”, and “just days”.


But guess what… WE. CAN. DO. HARD. THINGS.

We currently live in a world that warps our minds in to thinking that there are quick fixes for EVERYTHING. Spoiler Alert… There are no quick fixes. The things we desire most in life come with continuously working towards our goals. Consistent efforts over a long period of time.

Getting started is never easy and motivation doesn’t last. This is where the efforts we put in towards reaching our goals matter the most… when we are not motivated. When we don’t “feel” like it. This is when we need to show up. And that is HARD.

I was recently doing a presentation for a group of business professionals. One of the things we discussed was that the most underutilized term when working towards our goals is CONSISTENCY. We become wrapped up in the day to day operations and routines that we are on auto-pilot. We become consistent with being inconsistent…with our sleep, food choices, exercise, and taking care of our bodies. The funny thing about it is that this happens slowly… over long periods of time. Slowly bad habits develop and then once we are ready to do something about it we have this expectation that our goals should be reached in the blink of an eye. Do you see the crazy logic here?

“Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent Hard Work.”.png

If it takes time to develop bad habits, it is going to take time to break those habits and replace them with good ones.

Truthfully, consistency is REQUIRED to reach any goal, but the thing about consistency is that it is not right in our face. We are not inundated with messages of consistency. Nope. Instead we are inundated with messages of instant gratification. Messages promising results FAST and sometimes we see those “results” but they don’t last. Why? Because we are relying on someone or something else to do the work for us.

But GUESS WHAT?! WE. CAN. DO. HARD. THINGS. The most powerful thing about realizing that it is up to you, is knowing that YOU. ARE. IN. CONTROL.

So, we put in the work. We show up for ourselves every day. When we fall down, we get up. We don’t stay down. We pull ourselves up. That’s HARD WORK. We have to focus on the small gains. The little WINS that compound over time to make the biggest differences.

One of the things we value the most at Shift Physical Therapy and Wellness is being able to spend time with everyone we encounter. Whether that be for physical therapy, nutrition or fitness coaching, we want to give you the tools to reach your goals BUT you have to be the one to put in the work. The most rewarding things for us is to see you succeed. We help with that journey but ultimately… it’s YOU that makes it happen.

Self Love. HARD WORK. Inspiration. Family. Trust.

That is what Shift is about.

Click the link here for a message from Jackie.

Now… GET TO WORK!! If you need help getting started! We are here for you. Reach out!


Shift Physical Therapy and Wellness
Phone: (763) 645 - 1113
Email: info@shiftptwell.com

Written by: Jackie Giese


Give me an “I”


My Journey Towards Self Love