Shift Your Nutrition

You may have been wondering what the Shift Nutrition Program is all about! Maybe you’ve been on the diet roller coaster for far too long or maybe you’ve made some changes already and are just looking to intensify changes you’ve already made. Either way, the Shift Nutrition Program could be for you!

So what’s it all about?

That’s a great question but honestly it’s not the easiest question to answer when you have a passion for coaching like I do! The heartfelt response to this question… This program is about YOU! I know that’s not tangible or gives you the WHAT of the program (we will get to that) but truthfully-this program starts and ends with YOU! As a coach my biggest desire is to get to know you at deeper level and learn what makes you tick. What are your strengths, challenges, and past experiences? What is driving you to take this step to reach out in the first place? What is your WHY? That is the core of this program…YOU. So how do I get to know you?

We sit down for a nutrition consultation first. We talk. We learn about each other. I get the privilege of hearing your story and then share information about the nutrition program. It is YOU that decides if I am the right fit for you and if you are ready to commit. It’s really important that YOU are making this decision. I never push anyone to move forward unless they are ready. I’m here for you!

Let’s say you decide you are READY to MAKE THE SHIFT! Awesome! Depending on the package you choose, we look at the foundational components for success. We develop short term goals to start to guide us on the path towards your long term goals! We also take a look at your baseline body composition. Don’t worry if you aren’t quite sure what that all entails, we go over it at your consultation!

In the coming sessions I learn about your routine, your likes and dislikes when it comes to food and then I complete some behind the scenes calculations to determine an appropriate macronutrient balance that mirrors your personal goals. This is where the fun for me is because no 2 plans are the same. It really is individualized to YOU!

What are macronutrients?

Macronutrients (macros) are the nutritious components of food that we consume the most. They are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Your goals help determine how much of these you should consume in a day and then I break it down even further for you! Taking the guess work out of it and giving you a simplified straight forward plan that allows you to eat the foods you enjoy while still accomplishing your goals.

Do I have to meal prep in this program?

The beauty of this program is that you don’t have to do anything you don’t see yourself doing for a lifetime! Some individual choose to meal prep (it works for them), while others find the task daunting. Both options are right because it’s what works for the individual. If you don’t want to meal prep.. DON’T. If you do… GO FOR IT! This program is yours. My approach is to simply help you find what is going to work best for you for all seasons of life!

How do I get started?

If you are looking to get started, let’s meet up for a consultation! Consultations take about 60 minutes and then from there, you decide if I am the right fit for you!

Now it’s my turn to ask a question… ARE YOU READY TO MAKE THE SHIFT?

Written by: Jackie Giese, Fitness Nutrition Specialist


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