Why Start A Plan You Know You Won’t Stick With?

I am ready for a lifestyle change so…

“I am going to start intermittent fasting and the keto diet but I don’t plan on doing it very long.”

“I am doing whole 30 and can’t wait for these 30 days to be over so I can go back to eating what I like.”

“I’m going to count my calories until I reach 120lbs.”

“I started (insert MLM)….but no way am I going to pay month after month.”


Ummm I have a couple questions…

Lifestyle change right? As in you would like the changes you make to last a life time? As in, you want to adopt habits that pull you off the diet roller coaster…correct?

Then why choose a nutrition plan that you know you don’t want to stick to for life?

By the way, no judgement here! I have said some variation of these statement to myself at one point or another in my quest to lose weight. But when you really think about it, doesn’t it seem silly to commit to a program for a period of time knowing that this isn’t something you want to do forever?

I mean let’s be honest, I have not met a single person who actually wants to count their calories every day or track their food intake every day for the REST OF THEIR LIVES. So why do something you know, that you know, that you know… YOU WILL NOT STICK TOO?

Now, before I tick a bunch of people off, you have to know that I 100% support anyone trying different things to help them reach their goals and be a healthier person and I 100% know that what works for one person does not always work for another. All I am saying is that it is really important that if it truly is a lifestyle change you are looking for, you find something that you know you can do for life.

If you don’t want to count calories and track your food intake for your entire life, why waste months doing exactly that to only reach your goals and fall back in to old habits?

If you don’t want to pay monthly subscriptions your entire life to get the latest and greatest shakes, bars, and supplements than why start there?

It might be time to consider a nutrition program that teaches you what foods will have you thriving. Real food. Real Solutions. Start developing habits that you want to have for a lifetime instead of developing habits that promise quick fixes or putting energy in to something you don’t even want to do anyways.

The shift nutrition program meets with you first! We want to be sure that you make the choice whether we are the right fit for you or not. Let’s set up a consultation and get you started on a program that you can implement for LIFE!

Written by: Jackie Giese, Fitness Nutrition Specialist


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