Constipation…A Crappy Topic

Have you ever been constipated? OK, so it’s not really a polite conversation starter, but in pelvic floor physical therapy all the “polite” talk goes right out the window! We want to know ALL THE THINGS. Constipation is a very important topic because it can absolutely be related to a lot of pelvic floor issues.

Constipation can be related to tight pelvic floor muscles, or difficulty coordinating muscles of the pelvic floor to have effective bowel movements. Things such as potty posture, pelvic floor muscles lengthening, and discussion about food/fluid intake are important topics that will be covered by your pelvic floor physical therapist. Dealing with chronic constipation can lead to other issues including urinary leakage or pelvic organ prolapse due to increased abdominal pressure or straining to use the bathroom.

Pelvic floor physical therapists can help you determine what is contributing to your crappy situation! Is it possible that you have abdominal scar tissue from a previous surgery that is contributing to your slow digestion? Maybe you are experiencing hormonal changes that are affecting your motility? Does your digestive tract have enough fiber getting to it from the foods you are eating? How about getting enough water to actually MOVE that fiber through the system?

No matter what symptoms you’re experiencing, a pelvic floor physical therapist will absolutely have conversations about your constipation and help you get back on track to smooth pooping!

Written by: Renee Hancock, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist


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